Forest image


This is the project website for Forest Digital Twin Earth Precursor (DTEP).

Digital Twin Earth Precursors

European Space Agency (ESA) has launched Digital Twin Earth (DTE) that is an artificial intelligence (AI) driven digital replica of our planet that converts the full power of AI, cloud computing, Earth science and modeling and Earth-scale environmental, societal and economical data into actionable insights for scientist and decision makers.

ESA has initiated activities that aim to prototype an example of Digital Twin Earth for a certain topic area using existing capabilities, science and infrastructure. The activities form a portfolio of projects that is named as Digital Twin Earth Precursors (DTEP). This website describes the digital twin of forests.

Forest DTEP

In this Precursor, our consortium aims to prototype a digital twin of forests using the existing scientific knowledge and capabilities. Our project consortium will work with Earth observation data to determine the structural and biological properties of forests. The consortium will use this information to initialize a set of forest ecosystem models that include processes above and below the ground. Further, the consortium will develop new interfaces and visualization tools, making the cloud platform easily accessible to end users. Goal of the system developed in the project is to bring together forest data and users interested in forests.

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